
The website dedicated to the FB-111A

'Giant Sword', the SAC Combat Weapons Loading Competition

The Strategic Air Command Combat Weapons Loading Competition, aslo known as "Giant Sword" dates back to 1958 when it was first held at MacDill AFB, Florida. In October that same year, a second competition was hosted at March AFB, California. The competition then moved to Bergstrom AFB, Texas for the next two years. The competition was suspended for 13 years during the conflict in Southeast Asia. During those years, SAC munitions loaders proved their professionalism and capabilities by supporting the effort in Southeast Asia and at the same time maintaining SAC's primary mission of strategic deterrence. The Munitions Loading Competition was held at Blytheville AFB, Arkansas, concurrently with the Bombing and Navigation Competition at Barksdale AFB, Louisiana in 1974. Aircrafts crew chiefs were included as integral members of the munitions load crews. The Competition moved to Ellsworth AFB in 1975 and expanded to include the security police elements.

The Barrantine Trophy. The trophy memorializes the late CMSgt Wilbur R.Barrentine who was closely associated with SAC munitions programs from the mid-1950's until his death while serving on active duty in 1970. CMSgt. Barrentine was honored for his contributions to SAC's commandwide munitions safety record during his carrer.

The Combat Weapons Loading Competition served several valuable purposes for SAC. The competition was a source of recognition for the munitions loaders, aircraft crewchiefs and security police who were the backbone of the SAC mission. The competition also served as a peacetime demonstration of the proficiency and capability of SAC to support the Air Force's strategic deterrent mission. Finally, the competition served as a forum to exchange new ideas and innovative ways to get the job done. Participating teams consisted of three elements; a five person munitions load crew, an aircraft crew chief, and a six person security police team. Scoring for the munitions load teams was in three parts; a written exam, an equipment inspection and two munitions loads. Munitions loading was accomplished on ASQ-38 and Offensive Avionics System (OAS) modified B-52G, H and FB-111A. The maximum possible score for each load team was 1250 points. The aircraft crew chiefs were also scored on the basis of a written exam and two exercises, one pre-load and one post-load, for a maximum total of 250 points. Security police teams competed in four areas; a written exam, a confidence course designed to evaluate physical capabilities, a tactical weapons firing course and a practical exercise simulating a situation involving the protection of strategic ressources. Their maximum total was 500 points. The scoring for the competition was conducted by SAC Maintenance Standardization and Evaluation (MSET) members for load crews and aircraft crew chiefs, and representatives from the HQ SAC Office of the Chief of Security Police for the SP's. The wing team which scored the highest points was awarded the Barrantine Memorial Trophy. Other major awards included; Best Munitions Load Crew, Best Security Police Unit, Best Bomber Crew Chief, Best Air Launched Cruise Missile (ALCM) Load Crew and Best Combined Load Crew. 

The Giant Sword 1990 competition was to be held in September 1990 at Fairchild AFB, Washington. This SAC-wide competition included weapons laoding, bomb build-up, crew chief competitions, security police, vehicule maintenance, fuels and was to include three new categories; tanker avionics, aerospace ground equipment and vehicule operators. The competition was cancelled due to events leading to the Gulf War.The FB-111A would not have another chance to participate in 'Giant Sword', the type made its last flight on July 10, 1991.

Team Pease wins 1985 Giant Sword

In 1985, the 509th Bombardment Wing became the first FB-111 unit to win the Barrentine Trophy, the coveted first place award of the SAC Combat Weapons Loading Competition. The 509th BW competitors tallied 2,872 of a possible 3,000 points to win that competition held Sept. 19-26, 1985 at Ellsworth AFB, S.D. The year's runnerup was the 2nd BW from Barksdale AFB, LA. The competition for second through fourth places was extremely tight. Only four points separated these three positions with Barksdale chalking up 2,747 points, while the 416th BW from Griffiss AFB, NY was only one point back with 2,746. Close behind with 2,743 points was the 410th BW from K.I.Sawyer AFB, MI. In addition to winning the Barrentine Trophy, the 509th BW also took home the Best Munitions Load Crew, Best Combined Load Crew, Best FB-111 Load and Best MMS Equipment awards. Team Plattsburgh won the award for Best SRAM Load. 
Members of Team Pease were led by Col. Gordon V. Harmon with 2nd Lt Charles H. Leathers Jr. (OIC MMS), TSgt. Daniel R. Perkins (NCOIC OMS), SSgt. Gerald Trujillo, SrA. William J. Salvaggio, Sgt. Richard D. Grzela, Sgt. William G. House, SSgt. Howard J. Menchion, 509th MMS. TSgt. Jeffrey M. Mazowieski (aircraft crew chief) and SSgt. George P. Nicholaou (alternate aircraft crew chief) for the maintenance element. The security element was composed of 1st Lt. Thomas A. Lambert, TSgt. Michael T. Flynn, SSgt. Jeffrey D. Dennen, Sgt. Stephen R. Wilson, Sgt. Patrick M. Hofmann, SrA. Randolph Watkins II, A1C. Michael D. Miller, Amn. Richard A. Girard and SrA. Robert R. Hague from the 509th SPS.

Giant Sword '79 team members from the 380th Bomb Wing