Every pilot and navigator coming to the FB-111A program were assigned to the 4007th Combat Crew Training Squadron (later redesigned 530th CCTS) at Carswell AFB and later Plattsburgh AFB, NY. The mission of the CCTS was to provide highly-qualified, combat-ready aircrew members to the FB-111A Bombardment Squadrons in the Strategic Air Command.The Hall of Fame includes the names of all officers that went through the program at Plattsburgh AFB and is divided in four parts; the Initial Qualification Course, the Central Flight Instructor Course, the Requal/Diff Course and the Senior Staff Officers Qualification Course.
Notes: The IQC and CFIC are sorted by 'class' to make it easier for 'ex-Swingers' to remember who were in their class. The other two courses are presented by alphabetic order. Due to incomplete entries in the original document, some blank spaces do appear on the pages along with question marks (?). Questions and comments should be adressed to the webmaster.Photos and infos on classes held at Carswell AFB, Tx are needed to complete this file. (Special thanks to Hans Otten for his assistance.)